World Cup 2010 will be held in South Africa, and the people of Africa are thrilled. This should be a big boost to the local economy of the continent and a great way to help spread the customs of the local people to the world. New stadiums are under construction adding a boost to the construction industry. Tourism is going to go through the roof during the games. And sponsorships will be at an all time high for the country.
Teams most now get ready to compete for the qualifying rounds of the tournament. The bracket draw for the preliminary matches happened in November of 2007 in Durban. Here all 170 teams participating found out who they would be up against to qualify of the 2010 tournament.
For this drawing, all teams were grouped into one for 4 zones as follows:
European Zone – Made up of the heavy hitters like Italy, England, France, Spain and others.
African Zone – Made up of African teams from South Africa to Ghana.
Asian Zone – Made up of teams from the Middle East (Iran) to Japan and Australia.
North, Central American and Caribbean Zone – Consisting of teams from the USA to Jamaica.
South American Zone – Strong teams like Brazil and Argentina
Oceanian Zone – From New Zealand to Fiji
Each zone has different brackets with a different number of seeds advancing to the FIFA World Cup in South Africa. As time goes by, we will take a look at each zone and see how many teams will advance and how the different groupings will play out.